22 Exclusive Properties For Sale in Panchsheel Park

For Sale Resale

5 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 8.50 Crore / USD 1089744
Bedrooms 5
Floor 1
Built-up Area
Plot Size 1000 SQY
Bathrooms 6
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2017
Parking Stilt 2 Cars
Direction South East

Last Update On 04/10/2023

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For Sale Ready To Move

4 BHK Builder Floor For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 18.00 Crore / USD 1987179
Bedrooms 4
Floor 2
Built-up Area
Plot Size 816 Square Yards
Outdoor Balcony
Bathrooms 5
Sale Type Ready To Move
Construction Year 2017
Parking Stilt 2 Cars
Direction South
Last Update On 12/07/2023
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For Sale Ready To Move

4 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 25.00 Crore / USD 2435897
Bedrooms 4
Floor 3
Built-up Area
Plot Size 800 SQY
Outdoor Terrace
Bathrooms 5
Sale Type Ready To Move
Construction Year 2014
Parking Stilt 1 Car
Direction South West
Last Update On 24/04/2023
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For Sale Ready To Move

4 BHK Duplex For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 25.00 Crore / USD 3076923
Bedrooms 4
Floor -1 & 0 Duplex
Built-up Area
Plot Size 800 SQY
Bathrooms 5
Sale Type Ready To Move
Construction Year 2019
Parking Driveway 4 Cars
Direction North East
Last Update On 17/08/2023
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For Sale Resale

4 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 7.00 Crore / USD 833333
Bedrooms 4
Floor 2
Built-up Area
Plot Size 600 SQY
Bathrooms 4
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2000
Parking Driveway 1 Car
Direction South
Last Update On 05/10/2023
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For Sale Resale

4 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 8.50 Crore / USD 897436
Bedrooms 4
Floor 3
Built-up Area
Plot Size 600 SQY
Outdoor Terrace
Bathrooms 4
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2000
Parking Driveway 1 Car
Direction South
Last Update On 05/10/2023
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For Sale Resale

4 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 4.50 Crore / USD 705128
Bedrooms 4
Floor 2
Built-up Area
Plot Size 508 SQY
Outdoor Balcony
Bathrooms 4
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2000
Parking Driveway 1 Car
Direction North East
Last Update On 11/04/2023
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For Sale Resale

4 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 9.00 Crore / USD 1089744
Bedrooms 4
Floor 1
Built-up Area
Plot Size 525 SQY
Outdoor Balcony
Bathrooms 4
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2012
Parking Driveway 2 Cars
Direction East
Last Update On 05/10/2023
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For Sale Ready To Move

4 BHK Builder Floor For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 11.50 Crore / USD 1282051
Bedrooms 4
Floor 1
Built-up Area
Plot Size 500 SQY
Outdoor Balcony
Bathrooms 5
Sale Type Ready To Move
Construction Year
Parking Stilt 1 Car
Direction South
Last Update On 03/06/2023
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For Sale Resale

4 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 17.00 Crore / USD 1858974
Bedrooms 4
Floor 2
Built-up Area
Plot Size 850 SQY
Bathrooms 4
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2020
Parking Stilt 3 Cars
Direction East
Last Update On 27/06/2023
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For Sale Resale

4 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 13.00 Crore / USD 1153846
Bedrooms 4
Floor 3
Built-up Area
Plot Size 500 SQY
Outdoor Balcony
Bathrooms 5
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2017
Parking Stilt 2 Cars
Direction North
Last Update On 04/10/2023
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For Sale Resale

4 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 9.50 Crore / USD 1025641
Bedrooms 4
Floor 2
Built-up Area
Plot Size 500 SQY
Bathrooms 5
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2015
Parking Stilt 2 Cars
Direction North West
Last Update On 18/07/2023
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For Sale Resale

3 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 6.50 Crore / USD 769231
Bedrooms 3
Floor -1 & 0 Duplex
Built-up Area
Plot Size 500 SQY
Bathrooms 3
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2015
Parking Driveway 2 Cars
Direction North
Last Update On 13/07/2023
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For Sale Resale

4 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 9.50 Crore / USD 1153846
Bedrooms 4
Floor 1
Built-up Area
Plot Size 500 SQY
Outdoor Balcony
Bathrooms 5
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2015
Parking Driveway 2 Cars
Direction North
Last Update On 07/06/2023
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For Sale Resale

4 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 10.50 Crore / USD 1089744
Bedrooms 4
Floor -1 & 0 Duplex
Built-up Area
Plot Size 512 SQY
Outdoor Balcony
Bathrooms 5
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2005
Parking Driveway 2 Cars
Direction East
Last Update On 04/10/2023
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For Sale Resale

4 BHK Duplex For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 12.50 Crore / USD 1602564
Bedrooms 4
Floor -1 & 0 Duplex
Built-up Area
Plot Size 600 Square Yards
Outdoor Balcony
Bathrooms 5
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2011
Parking Driveway 3 Cars
Direction South
Last Update On 10/04/2023
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For Sale Ready To Move

3 BHK Duplex For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 9.25 Crore / USD 1153846
Bedrooms 3
Floor - 1 & 0 With Separate Entries
Built-up Area
Plot Size 300 Square Yards
Outdoor Balcony
Bathrooms 4
Sale Type Ready To Move
Construction Year 2022
Parking Stilt 2 Cars
Direction North East
Last Update On 04/08/2023
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For Sale Ready To Move

3 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 6.00 Crore / USD 1025641
Bedrooms 3
Floor 2
Built-up Area
Plot Size 255 Square Yards
Outdoor Terrace,Balcony
Bathrooms 3
Sale Type Ready To Move
Construction Year 2020
Parking Open Street Parking
Direction West
Last Update On 11/09/2023
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For Sale Resale

5 BHK House For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 40.00 Crore / USD 5128205
Bedrooms 5
Floor 0, 1 & 2
Built-up Area
Plot Size 500 Square Yards
Outdoor Terrace,Lawn
Bathrooms 5
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2000
Parking Driveway 4 Cars
Direction West
Last Update On 06/07/2023
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For Sale Resale

4 BHK Flat For Sale in Panchsheel Park

₹ 16.50 Crore / USD 2012195
Bedrooms 4
Floor 2
Built-up Area
Plot Size 1000 Square Yards
Outdoor Balcony
Bathrooms 5
Sale Type Resale
Construction Year 2012
Parking Driveway 2 Cars
Direction South
Last Update On 03/09/2023
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